Heinz Schuld Vice President

For a long time I was looking for a simple and intuitive mounting system for my flat roof projects. I have always wondered why we can’t use the cost-effective material steel, which has been used successfully in open spaces for years, in flat roofs.

With the iFix system, voestalpine has succeeded in developing a system with only three steel components. These three components are suitable for all common framed PV modules and this enables flexible, simple and quick installation on the roof.

I am pleased to have a partner who is not only an expert in materials science and forming processes, but also supplies high-quality molded parts that I can use in my projects without hesitation. At the same time, in voestalpine, we have a partner who listens carefully and enables us to make suggestions for improvement. An example of this is the quick and flexible implementation of my desire to attach the grounding symbol to the product.

In addition, from a logistical point of view, the product is a dream. It is neatly sorted, packed in cardboard boxes and fits on any Euro pallet. No long rods or bulky parts!
